
ICAP Job Search Supports Series Session 1: Getting Ready for the Job Search: Setting the Stage for Success

Thursday, January 25, 2024
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM Eastern
Presented by:
  • Adene Karhan
  • Lizzy Juaniza-Saso
  • Jeffrey Tamburo

This webinar will take place from 1:00-3:00 pm Pacific Time.

For all of us, the job search process is often met with uncertainty and concern. And for job seekers with disabilities, there are often added barriers on the road to employment. As a professional offering job search supports, at times this process can seem daunting. Where do I begin? What do I need to know? How much support do I offer? What do I have to consider about the disability? The key to success is maintaining a comprehensive understanding of job seeker skills, strengths, preferences, and challenges during the job search process. In addition, we must examine our own preconceived notions and belief systems regarding people with disabilities and their employment prospects. In this ICAP session, we will discuss these nuances as it pertains to the students participating in their career pathways toward employment or advancing in employment.

This ICAP training is intended for ICAP Career Coaches and leads from the participating community colleges; however, partners from Vocational Rehabilitation are welcome to attend.


Registration for this training is now closed