
ICAP Job Search Supports Series Session 3: Employment and Retention Supports

Thursday, February 29, 2024
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM Eastern
Presented by:
  • Adene Karhan
  • Jeffrey Tamburo

This webinar will take place from 1:00-3:00 pm Pacific Time.

Session 3 of the ICAP Job Supports Series will provide an overview of how attendees can support ICAP participants with understanding and navigating disability disclosure and requesting job accommodations in the work environment. Strategies will be provided for helping participants transition successfully to the work environment and assess the job fit (compatibility between the employee’s capabilities, preferences and accommodation needs, and the employer’s needs and expectations). Attendees will be invited to share successes and challenges in delegating roles and responsibilities across the ICAP team in partnering with participants pursuing employment. 

This ICAP training is intended for ICAP Career Coaches and leads from the participating community colleges; however, partners from Vocational Rehabilitation are welcome to attend.


Registration for this training is now closed