
TAP for Transition Hangout: Resource Spotlight: Self-Determination Across Settings

  • Dec 13, 2024
  • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM EST


Self-determination is a research-based predictor of positive post-school outcomes.​ Self-determination skills include choice-making, decision-making, problem solving, setting and achieving goals, self-regulation, and self-awareness.​ This hangout will spotlight key concepts and tools that promote skill development across all ages and settings. We will discuss the multiple ways all specialists can apply self-determination to their work with Educational Organizations (EOs), particularly within Targeted Skills Groups (TSGs), Support Plans, and in work with families. Time will be dedicated to explore highlighted resources.

Presented by

  • Colin Montgomery
  • Trynia Kaufman
  • Donna Spotton


Registration for this training is now closed